Cyber Security

An Effective Cybersecurity Awareness Training Model: First Defense of an Organization

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Security Education Training and Awareness plays a dynamic role for organizations in endorsing resources’ thoughtfulness and accessibility. This paper determines the importance of security awareness training in dealing with cyber threats. This research uses the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), indicating that at-risk employees’ behavior and information security awareness training execution are successful interventions. Yet, those investigations did not examine Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabled training, so this study fills that literature gap. This analysis used a qualitative research design. The article examines employees’ behavior and the effectiveness of AIbased security awareness training programs. The study here helps analyze information security awareness training in the workplace, encouraging behavioral transformations that would restrain data breaches by incorporating the users’ exposure and the stringency of coercion and the retort to peril in prophesying behavior discretions.

AI and Machine Learning (ML) are a blessing to modern enterprises to educate and tackle cyber threats. AI is used as both offensive and defensive techniques to tackle cybersecurity. AI has been embedded in all information systems such that scholars have pointed out that AI failures in complex systems such as banking may face catastrophic sequences with no options of recovery. A question arises here, how should we teach and blend the applications of AI in cybersecurity for better usefulness? As per scholars, the two options are: (1) approach cybersecurity the traditional way and discuss AI when relevant (2) approach cybersecurity using AI the best it can offer [25]. The first option is helpful for learners who want to understand cybersecurity holistically. The second option is available for professionals who desire an effective way to defend against all kinds of cyber threats. Considering the importance of cybersecurity education at all levels, many Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) have been developed recently to educate and train beginners and professionals. But all of these pieces of training lack practical usefulness to safeguard us from all forms of cyber threats, which prompts organizations to develop their training program as desirable.

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